Cecelia Roberta Beckwith

Cecelia Roberta Beckwith


1966Cecelia Roberta Beckwith

Activities: Future Nurses Club, Volleyball, Senior Play, Class Historian, Art Club, Art Treasurer, French Club, Science Activity Club, Library Club Vice President, Skin Diving Club, Basketball, School Nurse's Aid, Office Aid.

Favorite Saying: Ah-so.

Outstanding Characteristic: Eyes.



Graduated from Roosevelt Hospital School of Nursing and received an R. N. in 1968. Graduated from St. Joseph's College, North Windam, Maine with B.S.P.A. in 1974. Received Bachelors in Sacred Literature from Logos Bible College in June 1985. Bachelors of Ministry and Bachelors in Mission Studies from Faith Bible College and training Center, Lagos, Nigeria in 1987. Received Masters of Divinity from Living Water Bible College and School of Theology in June 1990. Ordained as Missionary 1987 and ordained as minister with Kingsway Fellowship in March of 1993.

Over the years have worked in varying areas of health care as an R. N. and currently working as a coordinator of care for the Visiting Nurse Service of New York in the Infusion Care Program. Also, have been involved in various levels of Christian ministries from foreign missions to teaching at the undergraduate level of Bible college. Currently at New Hope Fellowship in Brooklyn ,New York on the ministry team and leadership for singles 35 to 105 as well as a food and clothing ministry, outreach to the homeless and leadership in a home church that meets monthly. Have a hospitality ministry that allows for young women to have a place to live while getting on their feet after any difficult situation whether it be escaping an abusive environment or reentry into the community after prison. Both nursing and ministry positions overlap with the deepest concern to bring the love of Christ to a hurting world and the knowledge of His love, mercy and saving grace to broken people.

Last Changed 08/19/00

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